A wonderful sounding project was announced to the C64 world when Legend Of Kyril was being planned for release by Crystal Software. A potentially stunning RPG game in the style of Johnny Reb and other RPG’s was on its way … Continue reading →
Legendary Deed is another powerful RPG game in similiar vein to those created by US Gold around the same time. The preview is unplayable, but shows a series of screens which build up the game. Graphically, all looks nice and … Continue reading →
If you don’t know about Lemmings, then you haven’t lived. Released on every machine under the sun and now enjoying a revival as exclusives on Sony’s PSP (curses) and Playstation2 (due to Sony owning Psygnosis (drat, drat and triple drat … Continue reading →
Information had been a little bit vague on this game. It was uncertain for a while if this were meant as a joke, or in fact was a real Lemmings conversion attempt. All there was, was a simple attempt at … Continue reading →
Yet another Lemmings conversion for the C64, but this time an official conversion which surprisingly was almost done by DMA Designs themselves! During the development of Lemmings, Mike Dailly who worked as part of DMA at the time got working … Continue reading →
Another surprise, but it seems there was an influx of Lemmings developments going on, and here we have a second official conversion which was being done by Jed Adams who worked with Mike Dailly (who created the first test demo). … Continue reading →
Lemonoids was to be a sort of sequel to the puzzler Stratagos, which also didn’t sadly get released. The game had lemons with faces that had to be re-arranged in particular way. Andrew believes he probably spent more time doing … Continue reading →
After sampling the great Rolling Ronny game from BONESPARK, they had much much more in store for our beloved C64’s back in the early 90’s. One such promising title was a conversion of a stunning Amiga German (thanks Teki!) shooter … Continue reading →
Liberation was a game similar to Turrican, and was in development for quite some time by Profile Entertainment. Danish based Profile Entertainment are also known under their demo name, Camelot. The game had a brief mention in the pages of … Continue reading →
A nice little single screen western OP Wolf style shooter, with the added ability to choose your route of travel. This game was also slightly similiar in some aspects to Tusker. There was to be some puzzle solving elements in … Continue reading →
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