A short entry to GTW64 which has been highlighted thanks to Richard Bayliss. This very strange entry is currently attributed to being a release by Zeppelin Games in 1992, but there is no evidence that it has seen a proper … Continue reading →
An odd entry this time, covering something which I was actually involved on :-) Tanx was to be an enhanced version of a game called Tanx written by David Ponting for Your 64 magazine as a type-in. The original game … Continue reading →
Another unfinished Lepsi game, and unfortunatly another tried and tested theme, based on Galaxians. Controlling your space ship, you must blast attack waves of alien lifeform, all over the top of a set of nicely drawn bitmaps. The attackwaves are … Continue reading →
Quite often when doing GTW64, we get a number of shocks and surprises that crop up, and none more than when we found a PDS disk with Tarzan Goes Ape written on it within Ashley Routledge’s disk collection. Started around … Continue reading →
We’re not trying to pull your leg, but yes… a C64 conversion of the powerful Team Yankee game from the Amiga/ST was indeed being considered. I guess we could have laughed when we heard Battle Command was being converted, but … Continue reading →
Tears of Rage was an RPG title talked about briefly within issues of both Commodore Format and Zzap!64 during the early 90’s. An up and coming game from U.S. Gold. Nothing was much known about the game until we heard … Continue reading →
"Technodream" is a fair "Lightforce" clone, with average graphics and gameplay. Although only just less than 10 years old, the game looks a lot older. It’s not known why the game was incomplete or who it was to be released … Continue reading →
Back in Your Commodore magazine and in 1991, their news section stated that Mirrorsoft were producing new Turtles games – two to be precise. Apparently TMNT 2 was to be more of the same, though actually it turned out to … Continue reading →
This is the start of what seems to be an odd conversion of a title released on Amiga and PC – an icon driven graphic adventure game which was called “Telekommando II – The Return of the Telekommando” Nothing is … Continue reading →
Terminus has some nice graphics, but the actual gameplay is very simplistic and doesn’t offer hardly any playability at this stage. You simply have to shoot the incoming enemies, which follow a very monotonous waveform – so much so that … Continue reading →
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