Darius + was advertised in various magazines, and was advertised by The Edge for all machines, including the Commodore 64. The game is a conversion of a popular arcade by Taito, and eventually did surface on the Amiga, Spectrum (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0001254) … Continue reading →
Our next entry has been highlighted thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni, and is an RPG title that was created back in 1994. It is listed on Gamebase as unreleased, but seems to be a playable and complete game by Michael Härtig … Continue reading →
A new finding for GTW, and a neat looking preview of a sooped up Defender style of game. Deadhead was done as a small project whilst Wayne and Anthony were working on another project. Wayne originally posted all of his … Continue reading →
Now this is a GTW that has gone down in history as one of the most eagerly wanted games to appear on the C64 in some form. For many years we have been taunted with the fantastic screenshots from Zzap … Continue reading →
Beat’em ups were at an all time high around the early 90’s since the launch of Street Fighter 2 in the arcades. The C64 managed to get in on the mix with a poor conversion. However, other beat’em ups were … Continue reading →
Our next title into the archives is a a scrolling platformer by the name of Death Trap, which was produced by Anco in 1991 and released on the the Amiga and ST. The game was fairly well recieved and was … Continue reading →
Not a lot of information currently on this game apart from a few details. Wrath of the Demon was a nice title, it’s sequel Deathbringer was in production stage by Canadian based Readysoft Inc and was to be marketed by … Continue reading →
Unfortunately not a massive amount can be really said about this game at this very early stage. Although looking very pretty with a cool star effect, there isn’t really anything playable to see. There seems to be a kind of … Continue reading →
Our next title is another title developed by Duncan Kershaw back around 1990 with his Reflective Designs company. As with Harrier Strike, the game seems to be based on the same engine as Steel Eagle. Duncan says that the game … Continue reading →
A game in similiar mould to Scumball/IBall 2, with a similiar look and feel. This was developed in 1990, but was soon cancelled due to the developers feeling that this game could never do well, due to the dying C64 … Continue reading →
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