An interesting creation by Altered Abilities, bringings in a ship similiar to the mothership in Firebird’s "IO". The preview which made it out is packed with a sneak peak of the title screen and hi-score tablentures, which are quite good, … Continue reading →
A Hungarian title which has been found by Csaba Virag, and which is a very simple game based on Tic Tac Toe and which was part of a MicroCAD’90 programming competition held by the University of Miskolc, Hungary. The game … Continue reading →
A little puzzle game with some nice title screens and name entry screens. The game is essentially a Connect 4 style game, but more Connect 5!….. Simple, but one which could have provided some fun if a computer player was … Continue reading →
A very quick entry thanks to Kevin Oxland, who informs us that he was working on a version of Anarchy on the Commodore 64 for Psygnosis. This was being done by the development team, WJS. However, after pretty much completing … Continue reading →
Angel of Hell II is a preview of a game by 576 KByte which was produced back in 1996. Sadly it never got completed. It was the sequel to this game. The preview spans a very impressive 3 disk sides, … Continue reading →
After the discovery of various bits and pieces which were created by Apex and that never saw the light of day, there remained a few demos which didn’t really tie into any particular GTW titles. So as the Rowland Brothers … Continue reading →
Yet another short entry, and probably a case open and closed before we even start. This was to be a conversion of the Amiga helecopter game that was being created by Jason Perkins and later taken over by Miracle Games … Continue reading →
A great looking game in similar style to the first part of Dynamic’s "Game Over", with some awesome graphics in similar style to those common with X-Ample games of the early 90’s. This game is not based on any moon … Continue reading →
A well received game on the Amiga, “Apprentice” was to be another great release from Rainbow Arts in 1990. The game made its way into magazines, via double sided adverts, but as usual the game never surfaced on the C64. … Continue reading →
A very short entry for now for a game that was one of many that never quite made it from Crystal Software back in the later end of the 90’s. This game was to be underwater shoot-em-up from what we … Continue reading →
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