A great little game which never really seemed to fit into the category it was placed under. The game strangely was situated within Binary Zone PD on one of their PD games disks. A game of commercial quality and addictive … Continue reading →
"Fly Harder" is a graphically superb Thrust clone. Gorgeous screenshots were plastered in C-Format and C-Force and got many excited about its release. Even though it was based on Thrust, it was closer to the NES classic “Solar Jetman”. With … Continue reading →
As you can tell, the title is a working title. Football Game is pretty much self explanatory, and was to be a footy game by Zeppelin Games around 1992 time for the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad platforms. The title was … Continue reading →
Not likely to have been anything official, someone took it on themselves to try and do a conversion of the PC football simulator of the same name and seemed to have a good crack of it. There seems to be … Continue reading →
A very vague entry this time, and not to be confused with the Spectrum game of the same name by Design Design (1986). A brief mention of this game was given in the end sequence of Freddie Hardest – Manhatten … Continue reading →
Fox was a game being produced by Lucas Pope and Pete Gonzalez back in 1995-1996, and was to be a sort of cross between (obviously!) Fox Fights Back and Turrican (In terms of game style) and also includes a very … Continue reading →
To be honest, this entry into GTW64 has been a little overdue. Paint and Create was part of a new “Fun School Special” educational range which was introduced around 1993 time across all the main formats by Europress Software. Many … Continue reading →
Future shock is a very early preview, containing a few detailed organic landscapes and nothing much else. The ship can move through objects and there are no other creatures to kill or find. The game was actually to be a … Continue reading →
Elite is undoubtfully one of the masterpieces of space exploration games in the history of computing, and there isn’t really an enthusiast or game player above the age of 18 who hasn’t heard of the game. Nothing has really beaten … Continue reading →
Fuzzball is another classic GTW case. A great platform game, in which a two level preview (Featuring level one and level 16) was released to the readers of Commodore Format on issue 24. Unfortunately it was to be the Amiga … Continue reading →
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