In the early 90’s, quite a few games were mentioned for UK release by Italian company “Idea”, and quite a few did actually make it over here… Apart from Sturmtruppen. Sturmtruppen was described as a sort of Midnight Resistance style … Continue reading →
A game once released on the cover of Zzap 64 back in the day, a cool galaxian type game by the creators of Orcus and possibly using some of its sprites. Haydn said this about the game… "Me, Mike Ager … Continue reading →
A nice looking puzzle game, where you control a hi-res overlayed ball character which follows a path of tiles around a multiscrolling map, avoiding other hi-res overlayed enemies. It’s a little frustrating back tracking paths when creatues start to come … Continue reading →
This may have just been something knocked up to score some cheap points, but then there was a Super Ball game released a year previously: Super Ball 2 just seems to be the same game, but turned on its … Continue reading →
A nice cool preview now with Super Bouncer, which is sort of a cross between Cauldron 1 and 2, with a bouncing ball that needs to bounce to the end of the map to progress. There is one level in … Continue reading →
Another game we’d better start looking for, and one which might be slightly harder for me being in the UK. Super C (Or Super Contra/Super Commandos) is a US only release it seems and one which had it been released … Continue reading →
Another title which could well be vapourware, and one which we may not need to do any searching. Super Cars 2 was never fully announced by Gremlin, though Games X magazine reported that the C64 version was coming soon and … Continue reading →
A strange little title with little known about it really. Super Daryna sounds like some kind of Mario rip off, but was infact a kind of RPG title coming to the C64 and Amiga platforms by the publishers of PP … Continue reading →
Following on from the recent look at the strange earlier (or later?) version of Super Hang On with larger bikes but less of them, Martin/Stadium64 highlights that there was a strange late US release which was to include a Commodore … Continue reading →
Around the same time that World Class Rugby was announced, Audiogenic also announced a follow up to Emlyn Hughes called “Super League Manager”. The game was mentioned in issue 7 of Commodore Format and was being programmed by Gary Bassett. … Continue reading →
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