A short entry for a title that was due out by the demo crew turned game development team – Ambush . More details on them can be found at https://csdb.dk/group/?id=768 The game was described in an issue of Commodore Tribune … Continue reading →
And we thought that only Platform Mania and Colditz V1 were the titles we were looking for from Ste Pattullo. Well, we were wrong, and Labyrinths was yet another title which never got to see the light of day, sadly … Continue reading →
Thanks to contributor Nemo for bringing this to our attention, but something that possibly isn’t a GTW64, but there is possibly some interesting interface software and ideas that could be useful to preserve. Back in the early 90’s, a German … Continue reading →
As the C64 was dying, Jon Wells was out there trying to save it. This was one of Jon’s big efforts to try and save the scene, and bring one final Last Ninja to the C64. Jon created a series … Continue reading →
This game was found to be fully released and can be downloaded from here. http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=4298&d=45&h=0 Many thanks to Ramos for this one! Case closed!
Based on the film. Pretty poor on other platforms, and the C64 may well have followed their downfalls. Some scenes had you controlling yourself in cyberspace flying past obstacles etc. The rest of the game was a sub-standard platform game … Continue reading →
Thanks to Jakob Voos, we are presented with a game which had never been seen before and was exclusive to GTW back in early 2000 time. Unfinished and previously unreleased until now. Jakob sent GTW a game called Lazytech. A … Continue reading →
A brief new entry which we kind of missed before – as the coder Mario Knezovic had mentioned it in one of his previous creator speaks for Seven Gates of Jambala. At the same time as working on that C64 … Continue reading →
A terrible preview, with awful graphics and no playability. There is a simple grey blob thing at the bottom of the screen, with some naff score bits on the left, and nothing to do. It’s not known what this game … Continue reading →
Legend was a rather nifty RPG released by Mindscape back in 1991 which has gone down as one of the best RPG’s on the Amiga. Originally though it was due to be released by Mirrorsoft before their collapse, and also … Continue reading →
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