The Cross is another puzzle game for your C64, which i’m not sure exactly has to be done to complete levels, but it seems like your every day C64 puzzle game. Fairly simple graphics and reused sounds, it seems like … Continue reading →
The Crystal Search was a game written by Iain Black of fame. It was recently brought to our attention by Hedning after a Genesis Project crack was made. In terms of the game, Iain describes it as follows: "My … Continue reading →
When the C64 was dying out commercially, Jon Wells was trying to flood the C64 with new releases. One of his ideas was to take the entire back catalogue of Clive Wilson adventure titles and update them with new graphics, … Continue reading →
The famous film set was to finally get its long awaited conversion to all the home computers, and issue 4 of Commodore Format stated that U.S. Gold had bought the rights to all three films, promising two games: an arcade … Continue reading →
A collective entry now for what was to be a large number of Spectrum text adventure conversions to the Commodore 64. In Commodore Force issue 1, Bash the Barbarian mentions that The Guild’s Tony Collins had picked up the rights … Continue reading →
The Horsekiller is a game by Robert Olessak, which is an unfinished sequel to his game called The Galleon. Sadly, only an intro was developed for the game – but an impressive intro it is! Maybe the programmer had ran … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a title that is nothing more than just a few intro screens and some ripped music from Myth. The Last War Brains doesn’t give too much away about the type of game it was to be … Continue reading →
A very small entry for a title which we are not entirely sure as of yet if a C64 version was ever on the cards. The Light Corridor was a first person puzzle game released by Infogrames on the Spectrum, … Continue reading →
Our next entry into the archive come thanks to Gareth Pitchford, who flagged up this currently missing text adventure game by Dean Hodgson and Steve Walsh. The game was reportedly published Satchel, who were a software arm of Angle Park … Continue reading →
A fantastically recieved RPG was recieved by Zzap 64 when they reviewed the first game back in 1991, giving it 90%. The reviewer enjoyed the game very much and was looking forward to the sequel. But what sequel?… Well, The … Continue reading →
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