Very limited information at the moment, but this was to be a title created by Commodore Cracker editor Brian Turner of which he said the following in one issue: "At last I have manage to find the time to start … Continue reading →
A rumoured title from Empire, the little known C64 games crew. It has been found however that this was a game being developed on the C64 by Palace software, around the same time that Barbarian 3 was being produced. Hot … Continue reading →
Originally this preview was believed to be a game that never quite made it, but thanks to Professor Chaos we learn that it did indeed get a release on disk magazine Game On, released in Germany by CP Verlag. The … Continue reading →
Originally we always believed that the first game was never released, but infact it was by CP Verlag. But thanks to Professor Chaos we learn that a sequel actually underway and mentioned in the end sequence. Upon chasing up, it … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title which has been revealed as in production by Craig Wight in the early 90’s. The game was penned for Hi-Tec software, and it is very likely that it got caught up in the company … Continue reading →
HumbleBug was being created by non other than Jon Wells around the time when Bee52 came out, and so he decided to scrap it just 2-3 weeks into the game, because it was way too similar. Jon tells me that … Continue reading →
An interesting entry which is worth reporting on. Ice Tea was a great little Ice hockey game released back in the late 90’s and was actually released! So why do we have a GTW entry on it?… Well, thanks to … Continue reading →
Nice polished look… Naff game… After all the nice looking visuals, you are greeted with a poor 2 player game to do with words. Not interesting, and a waste of nice visuals. Probably intended as a freebie for a magazine … Continue reading →
A severe lack of goings on here i’m afraid, with this simplistic shooter. The game features some Haydn Dalton sprites ripped because the main ship looks so out of place compared with the other classy sprites. Infact, the game borrows … Continue reading →
Crystal Software and Electronics were an ambitious software house trying to save the C64 gaming market back in 1997 with a large range of planned releases. Sadly it wasn’t to be, and as with other companies – it was found … Continue reading →
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