903 results for: Year = 199
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1995 Unknown

Vitrus thumbnail

Vitrus sounds like a puzzler, but its nothing of the sort – and is actually a sort of Fly Harder/Thrust clone, where you must guide your ship through some tight caverns. It’s pretty unforgiving at this early stage, but it … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Voice thumbnail

"Voice" is another game in its most early stages, featuring a few platforms and some cute objects to collect. You are a snail like creature, which has the ability to drop some bombs. These bombs create an awesome explosion which … Continue reading


1996 Patriot Games

Wabbit thumbnail

Trying to improve on their abysmal "Micro Machine" game, Patriot Games tried their luck with "Wabbit". Sadly, this just makes things worse. With a simple hi-res bunny which jumps across the screen (Though animating nicely), while you take aim and … Continue reading