Yet another missing game, this time in the form of science software called Chemistry Tutorial, which would go through all the physical properties of the 106 known elements and had a complete periodic table display. The program was distributed on … Continue reading →
Long before Chris Abbott was busy creating some of the biggest C64 music events in history with stars such as Ben Daglish, Rob Hubbard, Martin Galway, David Whittaker and many many other big names – Chris was busy trying to … Continue reading →
A neat little game from way back in 1986, by the C64 programmer of Turtles and Speedball 2, Carl Muller. Chevalier features a PITFALL 2 style main character which jumps around various platforms and ladders in this sideways scrolling game. … Continue reading →
Mentioned in issue June 1986 of Commodore User, this was a game mentioned as coming soon along with 3 Days in Carpathia. It was described as a Mafia scenario featuring Rats Maldano and the Morona Brothers and would have been … Continue reading →
You may be screaming at me for putting this game in the archives, but this is no normal version of Chiller. The game basically was originally withdrawn due to the connection to Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video at the time … Continue reading →
Thanks to Vinny Mainolfi for highlighting details of this lost sequel which was being proposed by Shahid Ahmad back in 1986. Just before starting work on Pandora in 1986 for Firebird, Shahid and discussed the idea with his friend David … Continue reading →
A recent article on Interceptor Software in Retro Gamer magazine (April 2013) states that there was another version of China Miner that should have been released. It was the very same game by Ian Gray, but also had the inclusion … Continue reading →
Another early build entry into the GTW64 archives, and this time with an early and classic Ocean title – Chinese Juggler. This earlier build was highlighted by contributor Csaba Virag, who spotted that this version had a different start up … Continue reading →
A very small entry for now unfortunately, and a well overdue entry too! Back in 2000, GTW64 was in regular conversation with the late Martin Holland – who mentioned working on a game at MC Lothlorien called Choc-a-Bloc Charlie … … Continue reading →
One of a series of games from A.R.Software which sadly don’t seem to have seen the light of day for reasons we are yet to discover. One theory is of course the company went bust – but is that the … Continue reading →
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