Briefly mentioned in a magazine from the mid 80’s, there was apparently plans for a 4th game in the Spy Vs Spy series. The third game ends with our two spys being blasted into space. Therefore the theme of the … Continue reading →
A short entry for what is a very early and different looking Spy vs Spy 2 game, found thanks to FREEZE64’s Vinny Mainolfi. The game was reviewed in Commodore User issue 23, August 1985, and sported screenshots showing a very … Continue reading →
With thanks to contributor Deniz Turkmen, who commented on Spy vs Spy 4 that he had once seen an earlier version of Spy vs Spy 3 from a BBS. Sure enough, within Gamebase64 was an early preview which was seemingly … Continue reading →
Squad One was a game that was produced by a crew called Groovy Bits back in 1989, first heard about thanks to a magazine article in Datormagazinet Issue #4/1989 (Released in March) in Sweden which interviewed the team about a … Continue reading →
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is a completely different more established game which has more going on. There are title pages and even a loading screen for this one Here you control … Continue reading →
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is an earlier title which has you controlling a space ship that flies across a simple looking terrain. There isn’t much else at this stage with the … Continue reading →
Squire was a game by Blue Chip software and Jim Zuber that would have been a financial planning based game, which was part of a series that included Millionaire and Baron. Although advertised and listed, the game is still very … Continue reading →
A short entry for now, as we are not 100% certain if a Commodore 64 conversion was ever on the cards. Stainless Steel was an arcade adventure game split into around four sections overall. You would start out on foot, … Continue reading →
A quick entry, as there isn’t really that much to say about our next title. It’s called Star Fighter – there’s a start, and its meant to be a sideways scrolling shooter by the looks of it – but its … Continue reading →
Star Fighter was listed in a Triton Mail Order catalogue for the C64 and listed as a Cinematic Action in Space title with movie like effects. Solid 3D graphics were also stated, but there seems to be nothing of the … Continue reading →
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