This is nothing to do with the Anco game series of the same name, but this particular Kick Off game was to be a conversion of the Jaleco coin-op from 1988, suggesting that this game was due for release around … Continue reading →
A very quick entry until we get more information, but when Sales Curve was first started out, one of the first titles they were to develop was a conversion of Kid Nikki. However, the idea was very quickly dropped and … Continue reading →
Welcome to what is the remains of Heartland V1, known as Kimera to those close to the project. Kimera was infact the original given name to what eventually became Heartland, releaed by Odin Software back in 1986. Although we saw … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that did eventually see release, but was actually intended to be a game with a completely different name. Dynamix was a new puzzle game from Ash and Dave, published by Virgin Mastertronic back in … Continue reading →
Originally we thought this was a vapourware title briefly mentioned in the news pages of Zzap Italia back in 1988, but Strident did some impressive digging and found that the game did exist and was to be released on the … Continue reading →
Advertised in Home Computer Weekly, issue 85 – King Arthur’s Quest was an interesting looking 3D adventure game which was to be released on the likes of the Spectrum and also the Commodore 64. You would use the keys to … Continue reading →
Yet another Cinemaware game which never quite made it on the C64. This time a mobster game based in Chicago, and following the same style of play as with the other Cinemaware releases. As with the SDI title, King Of … Continue reading →
Klartz and the Dark Forces was a Quill based (on ZX Spectrum at least) adventure being produced for the Dragon 32, C64 and ZX Spectrum back in 1984 by an obscure company called Dragon Dungeon. It was advertised in a … Continue reading →
Kljuc (aka “The Key” in English) we believe is more of an educational program for children done by Suzy Soft. This game though is a rather simple Manic Miner style of game, with monocrome graphics – it’s got a nice … Continue reading →
We are excited to learn of yet another Ultimate game which was apparently in the works for the Commodore 64. Following on from the successful conversion of Nightshade, Shahid Ahmad was offered the chance to convert both Knightlore and Alien … Continue reading →
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