Yet another game which was found on the disks of Ash and Dave. This is a very early demonstration of a side-on scrolling game with an interesting split screen view. At first we knew nothing about it, then Steven Day … Continue reading →
This rather oddly named title was to be released in the US by a company called EnTech, and was believed to be an arcade action game where you must go underground and defeat the ‘Babies of the Dirt’, and also … Continue reading →
Shahid Ahmad was not a prolific C64 developer, having just a few titles released before he moved onto bigger platforms. He produced the stunning Chimera and Pandora games, as well as wowing Ultimate with his C64 conversion of Nightshade. But … Continue reading →
Our next entry needs a bit of clarification, but seems to be an interesting sequel to Infiltrator that was being done by a company called Moltech Software. Apparently by the same team, but with very different details. Here is a … Continue reading →
A big surprise now, but we are happy to learn thanks to Avram Dumitrescu that Backlash (The cool Encounter 2 sequel on the Amiga/ST – was started off on the C64, or at least sort of… In Michael Rooke’s … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Badminton game which was being produced by Cory Kin during his early days of programming. Nothing much was ever started apart from a small tech demo to show a scrolling playfield. The graphics are merely … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title which may well have been actually released, but is currently missing from the archives. Bailiff was an educational game and was described as follows in an advert in Commodore User magazine: Age guide 14 … Continue reading →
Well, thanks to Stadium 64, we have quite a nice description of this game, which we think was from a small write up on the game, so we may as well plug right into it considering how rushed off our … Continue reading →
Baldor’s Castle was a graphic adventure game of swords and sorcery in the savage depths of Baldor’s Castle. Thanks to Peter Weighill for highlighting. The advert described you as having to fight monsters, find potions and recover the lost treasure … Continue reading →
Ball is a neat preview which was uncovered in 2013 by Joachim Wijnhoven on some of Charles Deenen’s disks. The game itself is at a fairly advanced stage where you control a bouncing ball (similar to Head The Ball) which … Continue reading →
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