1426 results for: Year = 198
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Search for Sex

1989 P.H.Atholsoft

Search for Sex thumbnail

“Take the part of Al Wrong in his quest for his first sexual experience” That’s the opening description for a game that was found hidden away on Ashley Routledge’s CNet download disks. Uploaded to CNet by P.Hardcastle of P.H.Atholsoft and … Continue reading

Seawolf 2

1983 Epyx

Another title highlighted thanks to Peter Weighill. This early 1983 Epyx game was advertised in quite a few magazines at the time as part of a double pack with Gun Fight. Unfortunately this one never got to see the light … Continue reading


1988 Palace Software

Also known as: The Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit 2

The Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK for short) is probably one of the most famous tools on the C64 of all time, spawning many hundreds (if not thousands) of creations, ranging from old tosh to some really superb creations. … Continue reading