A game company that predominately produced games for the Atari, but also tried to get involved on publishing C64 titles too. They released the game Final Flight! (see advert) and also Trivia Trek in 1984. Phoenix Lair was another title … Continue reading →
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading →
An interesting Synapse Software entry now with Picnic Paranoia, which was due for release on Atari 400/800, TRS-80, Apple II and Commodore 64 platforms. The game has you controlling George on a single screen, who has to keep ants and … Continue reading →
Part of an educational series, Picture Parts is one of around 6 which is sadly missing and one which may have been released, but is very possible that it didn’t quite make it out. We’re not 100% sure what happened … Continue reading →
Pigs on Marse was an interesting looking RPG which was advertised back in Ahoy! in March 1985. The game was highlighted to us thanks to Matthew Goode who got in touch and supplied a scan of the advert from the … Continue reading →
Pimania was an adventure game released very early on back in 1982/83. If you managed to crack the game and interpret the clues correctly – you could work out the time, date and place where someone will be waiting to … Continue reading →
A cheat entry for now, as its possible that all 4 of the games were actually released – so this is more of a call to try and find these games and get them digitally preserved and available. Piper Software … Continue reading →
Piracy was a game being written by a guy called Sean Huxter on the C128 in Commodore BASIC 7, but originally existed as a C64 game which can be found in gamebase. The game was to be a text adventure, … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Commodore MAX title that was proposed, but never finished and released. Pirate Attack (a working title) would have you trying to destroy an attacking pirate ship before it destroys you. The game would start with … Continue reading →
Another GTW entry for Kele Line games, for more on their background check out the entry for Force of the Vulcan. Pirates of the Ocean was one of four games slated for release by Kele Line in 1987, alongside Force … Continue reading →
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