Hydlide was to be a Westernized conversion of a popular Japanese RPG title to platforms such as the C64 in 1989. Contributor Robert Robichaud has provided some excellent information about the game- so much so that i’ve essentially posted here … Continue reading →
Hydrogenese was yet another game to come from the excellent X-Ample, who produced many stunning games. ASM magazine issue 7/89 had a short news feature that stated that Mario van Zeist and X-ample were hired to make games for Digital … Continue reading →
Hyper Galactic Warrior is a title that has been around for some time, possibly first surfacing on Compunet as a preview. The game is a Uridium clone, of which there were plenty at the time. This suggests the game is … Continue reading →
In 1985/86, Ocean had a deal with Konami to convert their old arcade machines to the humble C64… which they did in style with a number of titles such as Green Beret. We pretty much knew about every single game … Continue reading →
A very interesting entry in the GTW archives comes in the form of Hyperion 2. The game has been sitting on FTP’s for a while now, but has a story behind it and also helped uncover something rather useful for … Continue reading →
“I Can Remember” is another long lost educational game to add to the GTW archives, and another which we know little about at the moment. It is assumed from the title that it is a kind of memory based game … Continue reading →
A very popular and ground breaking game on the Spectrum, was in fact also planned for the Commodore 64 back in 1987. Sandy White, creator of Ant Attack and Zombie Zombie, set to work on creating one of the most … Continue reading →
One more Channel 8 Software ‘Game That Wasn’t’ for the collection, I, Spy for Children was part of a slew of planned released by Channel 8 Software, several of which never saw the light of day. Judging from the name … Continue reading →
A very obscure title now, and yet another Firebird title to enter the archives. Ice Age mainly has come to light due to the SID file which is in HVSC that Jeroen Tel did for this game and sound effects … Continue reading →
According to an article Aktueller magazine (05/1986), Nu Wave’s ID game was not only to be produced on the Spectrum, but would later get converted to the Amstrad and Commodore 64 platforms. It didn’t quite happen though – possibly due … Continue reading →
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