A short entry for a title which was written by Patricia Curtis, and was snapped up in the end by Microprose. Before that, Patricia was touting the game around to several publishers. All we know so far was that the … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a double pack release which should have been sold by a company called I.G. Programs. It was reviewed in PCG 1984, Issue 8 and had an average score overall. Boxing was to be a simple boxing … Continue reading →
Back in the summer of 1985, Ritchie Brannan was trying to break into the games industry, and got a gig producing a game based on Fantastic Voyage for Ariolasoft. Early on it was renamed to Braindeath, probably as Ariolasoft couldn’t … Continue reading →
Brainleak was an arcade adventure type of game being developed with a point-and-click based system implemented into the game via a series of icons. The game apparently had a very complex plot, which unfortunatly Jason Kelk does not remember. Information … Continue reading →
This game and Pyramids of Time were supposed to be Firebird’s proof that budget games could be quality games too, according to sales manager of Telecomsoft, Martin Defries when he spoke to Soft magazine (1988, issue 2, pg. 9-10). In … Continue reading →
A very short entry for a title which was closed as quickly as it was added. Breaker was a cool breakout clone produced for Radarsoft in 1987, but what seems to be a title which is complete and fully released, … Continue reading →
As with Mag Max, it seems that there was another conversion in the works for Breakthru, which saw a terrible release on the C64 in the end by US Gold. Canvas were working on a Breakthru conversion for US Gold, … Continue reading →
Now here is something which originally set a few hearts going off… Is this the long lost Hawkeye 2 we thought? No, unfortunatly not so we found out… but possibly a contender for a unofficial sequel. This is a very … Continue reading →
Very quick entry, as we are lacking details at present. A Bruce Lee game was mentioned in a PC Show 1988 article in Commodore User magazine to be developed by Grandslam. Nothing more was heard, though we are sure a … Continue reading →
Bruce Lee was a classic title on the C64 and other 8-bit systems, with its simplistic gameplay and cuteness (!) To follow on from the success, Datasoft were to create a sequel title called Bruce Lee – Enter The Dragon. … Continue reading →
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