Part of a series of Power House titles which never quite saw the light of day, or at least are not picked up in Gamebase 64. Did this game ever get a release? Certainly this title although mentioned in Zzap … Continue reading →
This is a very short stub entry for now for a game called Altair’s Adventures, which was a concept for a Commodore 64 game that was highlighted on Viktor T. Toth’s website. Please see the gallery for more details about … Continue reading →
Altarius is a promising sideways scrolling SEU, which has a 2 player mode and a wide range of attack waves thrown at you. No backgrounds apart from a star field at this stage though. You have unlimited lives, and can … Continue reading →
The Alternate Reality series was a huge set of RPG based titles by Datasoft in around 1986, with two titles released. The City and The Dungeon were both released, but the rest of the series never made an appearance. In … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing. Described as an “Incredible Sailing Simulation”, the game supports up to two players as well. Martin/Stadium 64 has highlighted that there … Continue reading →
American Dream was a game by Blue Chip Software (and Jim Zuber?) that was planned to be a simulation of a robotics manufacturing business over 72 operating months. It came with a very high price of $119.95 – so we … Continue reading →
A short entry for a short lived System 3 title. The only real mentions were at the September 1985 computer show, where along with the Twister controversy, American GI was advertised with muscular men at the stand. We assume it … Continue reading →
Amok is the beginnings of what could have been a rather nice looking Space SEU. Quite simply we have a tech-demo preview of Amok, showing off graphics and some music. The game is playable, but only to the point of … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a very early text adventure that was created by Ivan Venturi, who went on to produce a number of titles for Simulmondo. With thanks to Damiano Gerli for highlighting. Ivan was just 14 years old when … Continue reading →
Ancient Warriors was a game by the famous CoCo game developer, Ken Kalish, who produced many a famous game on the machine and shunned the likes of the C64 due to the coding environment he was comfortable with. It is … Continue reading →
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