A short entry for a simple BASIC puzzler that was actually due for release in 1985. The game was tidied up and released by Gruppo Editoriale Jackson/Super Commodore in 1990, but within the release were two earlier unreleased versions as … Continue reading →
A big finding for GTW, thanks to Zeldin/Cascade, who came across a bizarre set of files on a bunch of second hand disks. These were named Trojan Demo 1 + 2. Upon further examination, it seems that the preview was … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title which has been unearthed thanks to Csaba Virag, and a Tron clone which doesn’t seem to be within the archives (well, at least we couldn’t find it!). It’s quite a neat clone, and all … Continue reading →
A brief entry once more, where a sequel to a cool early platform game (called Tronix would you believe!) was mentioned in the game’s scroll text. Little more is known at this point in time – but it is very … Continue reading →
Ok, so not quite finished for 2020 yet – I fibbed a bit! Many of you will have played the wonderful Barbarian 2 by Rob Stevens, and maybe even read the excellent feature with him in FREEZE64 about the game. … Continue reading →
A game being produced by R Pedersen, who developed a number of games which never made the light of day. The games were all made in MSDOS first, then ported easily over to the C64 and Apple machines. This game … Continue reading →
A very very quick entry which was first mentioned in a Maniacs of Noise release list by Charles Deenen. Trucc was scheduled to have a tune composed by MAD (Marcel Donne), but it seems it never happened. The game was … Continue reading →
A very quick entry, as this could well be vapourware. The original TT Racer sadly never got a C64 release, but strangely there was a news snippet in Commodore User which suggested that a new TT Racer 2 game was … Continue reading →
Tujad was a arcade maze based game which was released on the Spectrum and Amstrad (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0005448). It got above average reviews, but overall wasn’t that bad a game. An early advert for the game mentioned the C64 was having a … Continue reading →
Another title which is sadly currently lost. Highlighted by Peter Weighill, Tunes n Trivia was a pop quiz game released in the USA and which seems to have only been sold via mail-order. As a result, the game could have … Continue reading →
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