The game was being built for Palace Software by John Menzies and John Cassells and was a horizontal scrolling SEU with bitmapped backgrounds and a sprite plex. The game used VSP to scroll the screen, which was a risky technique … Continue reading →
Touchstone was a rather ambitious RPG/graphic adventure game which was being developed for Origin by Sensible Software, back in the days when Martin Galway was part of Sensible Software. Zzap 64, issue 61, ran an article on Sensible Software and … Continue reading →
Combining comedy and, er, cycling, Tour De Force was due for release by Gremlin Graphics in 1988 yet never materialized on the C64, despite being released on the Spectrum and CPC. Your objective is to cycle through various locations around … Continue reading →
‘Tower Toppler’ was basically the American version of Nebulus…. and none other than John Romero of Doom fame was beind it apparently. Nebulus basically involved you controlling a frog which had to be guided up a tower, all the way … Continue reading →
While I was away doing exams and coursework in 2004, a few games suddenly surfaced out of nowhere, and Trac Troopa was one of the pleasant surprises to surface from an ex-C64 programmer’s work disk. Jon Williams is not to … Continue reading →
A game by Steve Collins of Herobotix and Badlands fame. Tran was fully completed apart from the music. Sadly when presented, Hewson rejected it, due to striking similarities to another title on their label. All this, even though it got … Continue reading →
Yet another Codemasters title that never was. This time, Codemasters put out an advert in a magazine – giving rates for conversions of their titles to other platforms. Transmuter was listed, with a £2500 bounty to convert from the Spectrum … Continue reading →
Trantor was a fairly well received game, but mainly for its awesome music and graphics. The game itself sucked a little bit, but overall it still has its fans. Recently C64 endings discovered that at the end of the first … Continue reading →
A very quick entry, but it seems that there exists a version of Trantor the Last Stormtrooper which features graphics by Paul (Dokk) Docherty. Paul Docherty wrote in a feature on that “I did some in-game graphics too, but … Continue reading →
At present for this title, we are merely going by a game title which was name dropped in a demo called Funitrax Banzai by Henrik Buus Jensen. In the greetings page, Henrik greets those who are working on the game … Continue reading →
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