A controversial entry originally, but which was eventually the result of a development which became too difficult for the original team to complete. Hugh Riley and Mark Cale shed light on the original Last Ninja and what happened…. Casting things … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a graphical text adventure that was due out by Rihannon Software, where they were intending to put out an entire series of games with different themes by creators Elisabeth Stott and Lucy Ewell. Two titles which … Continue reading →
A short entry for now of what we believe may have been a working title (or not quite remembered correctly by Peter Kaminski). Whilst talking about Pyramid of Time, Peter recalled a title that Russell Lieblich was working on around … Continue reading →
A small entry thanks to Peter Weighill, who highlighted this advert (see gallery) in Your Computer Nov 1984 on page 215 & Dec 1984 on page 58 for Learning and Training Systems. In the advert, they have 3 educational games … Continue reading →
A book and adventure combo which originally got a release on the Spectrum platform and can be found in the WOS archives at http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0006571 The game is a simple text adventure that was fairly well recived on the Spectrum, but … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title which may well be vapourware, but was briefly mentioned in the news pages of Zzap Italia back in 1987. Legendary Wings was a famous 1986 Capcom arcade which strangely never got a conversion, … Continue reading →
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading →
Soon after the success of getting Lethal released under the Alternative label, Neil Kendall got to work on a quick sequel to the game. For reasons currently unknown to GTW, the game never got released and was left sat on … Continue reading →
Liberator was to be part of a two game bundle along with a game called Sarumax (which eventually turned into Elven Warrior and was released by Players Software). The game itself was a sort of Hunters Moon meets Solar Jetman, … Continue reading →
A short entry for something flagged up to us by Marco van Vlaanderen, who found this very obscure and rare RadarSoft title on an old tape. This was developed by Cees Kramer back in 1984, one of the founders of … Continue reading →
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