Another title highlighted thanks to Peter Weighill. This early 1983 Epyx game was advertised in quite a few magazines at the time as part of a double pack with Gun Fight. Unfortunately this one never got to see the light … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Grolier Electronic Publishing game spotted by Peter Weighill in an issue of Family Computing magazine October 1984. Secrets of Science was described in the advert as follows: “Secrets of Science Island guides you on a … Continue reading →
A short entry which has been highlighted thanks to Brian Bagnall, which depicts a game which eventually would turn into Lord of the Rings, another game that never saw the light of day (on the C64 at least!) Towards the … Continue reading →
A quick entry for now for a very early Antiriad style game, with a very similar protagonist that flies and walks around a simple map at the moment. Not much is known about the demo, though a very early preview … Continue reading →
Sestavljanka is not really a game, but it is an educational program for children done by Suzy Soft. The game is a "put-together-picture" type of game with simple puzzles and picture collections. You can dress up dolls, make a fotorobot … Continue reading →
Also known as: The Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit 2
The Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK for short) is probably one of the most famous tools on the C64 of all time, spawning many hundreds (if not thousands) of creations, ranging from old tosh to some really superb creations. … Continue reading →
Not much is known about this game, apart from the fact it was released onto the Intellivision system in 1983, and an advert was placed in an old computer magazine. Sewer Sam was also planned for release on the Commodore … Continue reading →
Mentioned in issue June 1986 of Commodore User, this was a game mentioned as coming soon along with 3 Days in Carpathia. It was described as an authentic ninja adventures and would have been written in The Biro like with … Continue reading →
Shadowgate was a very popular point and click adventure from 1987 on the Apple II, Mac, PC, Amiga and ST, and was released later in 1989 on the NES. Contributor Luca Bertoldi however found that a C64 version was on … Continue reading →
Shadowkeep is probably up there with the likes of Murder and Daffy Duck for titles that people desperately want to find. It is a game from way back in 1987 time (or approximately) and was an amazing-looking adventure game according … Continue reading →
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