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198? CDS
A bit of an unknown title this time for the archives, and not one we can write too much about at the moment. More research required and hopefully some scans. It seems that the game was some kind of Army … Continue reading
Cancelled & Unreleased Video Games for the Commodore 64 Since 1999
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2444 results for: Year = 19
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A bit of an unknown title this time for the archives, and not one we can write too much about at the moment. More research required and hopefully some scans. It seems that the game was some kind of Army … Continue reading
Crystal Software and Electronics were an ambitious software house trying to save the C64 gaming market back in 1997 with a large range of planned releases. Sadly it wasn’t to be, and as with other companies – it was found … Continue reading
A short entry for what is somewhat a bit of a mystery at the moment, being investigated by long-term C64 supporter Alex Aris. Alex has been collecting all the issues, and has highlighted that issue 14 seems to be completely … Continue reading
A surprise entry into the archives which is thanks to its creator Keith Purkiss. This was a game that was being developed for Alternative Software in 1989 and was created whilst in between projects for Probe Software. According to Keith, … Continue reading
A very quick entry for a title which may well be vapourware, but was briefly mentioned in the news pages of Zzap Italia back in 1988. 7 Minutes To Midnight we believe was described by Zzap Italia as having a … Continue reading
A big thanks to Martin / Stadium 64 (http://s64.emuunlim.com/) for highlighting this interesting entry. 720 degrees was released in the UK by US Gold, and also in the USA by Mindscape a year later. Two completely different versions. However the … Continue reading
A very short entry for now for a game that was one of many that never quite made it from Crystal Software back in the later end of the 90’s. This game was an adventure game (We assume text adventure) … Continue reading
“The Devil has invaded your coastal village, and has kidnapped the village population. As the village priest, you alone must defeat the devil and rescue your flock. A main road goes through the village, but don’t expect anyone to stop … Continue reading
Also known as: Eine Handvoll Dollar$
A relatively quick entry into the GTW64 archives for a game which was released in other countries as Eine Handvoll Dollar$ under Quelle Soft. But what of the UK edition of the game? It seems we have potentially a similar … Continue reading
Also known as: The A-Team
A possibly late licence for The Edge to consider, but The A-Team was a particular game which they had in the pipeline. There had been previous attempts, such as a poor VCS 2600 version, so maybe there was hope in … Continue reading
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