A obscure title, with a great name! :) "Bastard" is unfortunately a bit of a bastard in its own right, because its so darn irritating to control your ship through this horizontal SEU.. Some old music mixed in with some … Continue reading →
Following on from Neverending Story and Hunchback – The Adventure, there was plans for a 3rd game to use the very same engine developed by the late Ian Weatherburn. After getting the licence for Batman and having the 3D game … Continue reading →
A game which has been debated a lot whether it was even in development for our beloved C64. Batman 3D was unreleated to the movie, and was an isometric Ultimate style game by Jon Ritman and Bertie Drummond. It got … Continue reading →
A successful film sequel and a widely promoted game in both Commodore Format and Commodore Force magazines here in the UK from between 1992-1993. Konami, not often known for releasing their own C64 games at that time, decided that their … Continue reading →
Our next game comes in the form of a German platformer, where you take control of a guy with a gun who jumps through various obstacles while blasting tank like enemies. This is really all there is to it, and … Continue reading →
Interesting title for this GTW… This is the beginnings of a RPG style game where you control multiple characters. This is a very early preview, and it only seems to be one single screen with some very limited character interaction. … Continue reading →
Part of a series of Power House titles which never quite saw the light of day. Battle Ball was deemed another shoot ’em up in which the Battle Ball of the title must destroy a world defence computer gone haywire. … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title we know very little about. Battle Truck was a title listed in the Screen Test Budgets section of ACE magazine (Issue 20, May 1989 – Page 66) as coming soon. The game however … Continue reading →
Battlecars was advertised in various magazines, and was released on the Spectrum, but also had a Commodore 64 advertised to be coming soon. This was never to be, and the game remains unreleased. The game involved you building up your … Continue reading →
A classic old style SEU, with naff graphics and some music ripped from Deep Strike. Apart from a few attackwaves, there is nothing much to offer in this game, apart from a bit of nostalgia. This kind of game was … Continue reading →
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