Hero is one of the lesser known Mega Game titles which Imagine Software were to release back in 1984. The series was to include around 6 games – with Hero to be the 3rd/4th title being done on both the … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title which would take over 20 years to finally be completed and appear on the C64, when it was intended originally for release back around the early-mid 1990s. By the same creators as Crime … Continue reading →
Briefly mentioned in Commodore Format, this expansion pack never quite made it like their other released expansion pack. We are guessing that it got too late into the C64’s life, or not enough of the first expansion pack sold to … Continue reading →
Whilst at Active Minds, Paul Clansey was asked to give a design for a new Heroquest game for Gremlin Graphics. It is likely that Active Minds collapsed before the game could be started, and therefore Gremlin got another team in … Continue reading →
A very short entry for now regarding a game which was produced by a young Karl Hörnell when he was around 14. The game was Hex-Bert, and we believe was a Frogger clone done at a time when there were … Continue reading →
One of a series of games from A.R.Software which was missing for some time. Peter Weighill has kindly informed us that the game has turned up on Gamebase here: http://www.gb64.com/game.php?id=15230 Hexapawn is described in the advert as a game for … Continue reading →
A very quick and interesting entry which stems from the very last issue of Your Commodore magazine (Better known as YC issue 84). In the news section, it was stated that Sales Curve had signed up an exclusive deal with … Continue reading →
After some impressive introduction screens, you are greeted with a preview which doesn’t seem to look like very much at all, until you get playing. The preview looks a bit out dated, but plays fairly well in typical old-school fashion. … Continue reading →
High Memory is another puzzler which was being developed in the height of the puzzle game flood of the early 90’s (Or at least it seemed like just that to me at the time! :) ) The game is basically … Continue reading →
A mysterious game created by Simon Birrell which was originally penned as a game for the BBC Micro. However, Virgin Games decided that they also wanted this title completed on the C64. The BBC game can be seen here btw… … Continue reading →
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