2403 results for: Year = 19
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Monster Squad

1987 ACEUK

Monster Squad thumbnail

Thanks to Carlos Vazquez for highlighting this one. Monster Squad potentially is a title which was based on the 1987 movie. The question is whether the ACEUK company was a proper company, and if this was a proper quick cash … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Moppel thumbnail

Another very early preview, Moppel is a simplistic side scroller where you control some guy that I think is in a wheelchair and scrolls across a city landscape. It’s quite simple, and apart from the scrolling and some little animations, … Continue reading


1983 Synapse Software

Also known as: Morgul

Yet another missing Synapse Software title in the archives, with thanks to Bertrand/Atari Frog for highlighting. The game was mentioned as an upcoming title in Protector 2’s scrolling text, but also listed in a Synapse Software price list from September … Continue reading