Intriguing title for our next GTW comes in the form of Asylum. From a feature on a show in Your Commodore magazine, the game was described in more detail as a top view three player interactive heavy metal fantasy action … Continue reading →
Already GTW pays host to a number of Ultimate games which never saw the light of day, and we bring yet another title which seems to have been considered for the C64 at some point. Where we had Lunar Jetman … Continue reading →
Atlantis was to be a simple arcade platform affair with a guy in a diving suit. The game was advertised in an old issue of Your Computer, advertised for the Spectrum, C16 and C64. Unfortunately the C64 version never surfaced, … Continue reading →
A rather ambitious title which comes in the form of a 3D Vector game by Global Software, with an article from Computer and Video Games bringing this to light as a production. Spectrum and Amstrad versions were the main ones … Continue reading →
Tau Ceti was very well received, and received game of the year awards. Created by Pete Cooke on the Spectrum, John Twiddy was allocated the task of converting to the C64, which he did an excellent job of. Once complete, … Continue reading →
In the early 80’s, the Dutch games scene for the C64 was blessed by the coding talents of a guy called John Vanderaart – who was pretty prolific! Outside of Holland, sadly we didn’t get to see many titles – … Continue reading →
A short entry for a game that has seen a release, but only it seems in the US and Spain. Australian/Aussie Games was a sports multi-event that was created by Beam Software and a sort of piss-take of California Games. … Continue reading →
Early days, but thanks to and in a recent interview (, we are able to put up an entry about a game by Pagoda Software which was reported to be something very groundbreaking for its time, which sadly … Continue reading →
You may recall the impressive Metalwars which currently sits in GTW at the moment, with its flashy bitmap levels that sadly never got completed. Well, A.B.C was the predecessor to Metalwars, where the game was a shoot-em-up which had a … Continue reading →
A short collective entry thanks to the efforts of Martin / Stadium64, who found an Avant-Garde catalog full of titles that don’t seem to have been preserved or may not have seen a release. Not all are games, though we … Continue reading →
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