David Green is probably more well known for his music that he composed for the likes of Boing and also Reckless Rufus for Mike "Kernal" Berry. But it seems that David also did a bit of coding too, and so … Continue reading →
First offered in Zzap issue 62 in their Zzuperstore as a special offer, Purple Saturn Day never quite made the light of day on the C64 for reasons still unknown today. Judging by the adverts published in CVG, the game … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a new game that has been dug out by C64 musician JCH, which was a puzzle based game due out in the early 1990s, but was just never to be. JCH produced a number of tunes … Continue reading →
A strange game which was popular on the Amiga, mainly for its wacky animation. This game featured a blue blob of putty which could mould itself into numerous shapes and absorb strange creatures to help defeat a geezer called Dazzledaze. … Continue reading →
Puzzle Mania is a very early development by Karl Hörnell in 1984, way before his Player Software days. The game is a simple puzzle shuffle game and was created in BASIC. The title was found and preserved by Hedning and … Continue reading →
Sadly another puzzle game which I don’t have much information about. Nor do I know how to play. If I haven’t mentioned it earlier, then if anyone would care to elborate about how some of these games are meant to … Continue reading →
This game and Break Street were supposed to be Firebird’s proof that budget games could be quality games too according to Martin Defries, who was sales manager of Telecomsoft at the time. Pyramid of Time was for 1 or 2 … Continue reading →
Thanks to contributor Chris Hester, who flagged up an old piece that he wrote possibly for his magazine Adventure Coder. Pyramids Of The Sun was the follow-up to Castle Blackstar, and was set for release in October 1984. Chris’ feature … Continue reading →
Another title which should have been added to the GTW archives a very long time ago, after evidence of a C64 conversion was found in a manual of a released version of the game. Q*Bert’s Qubes was a sequel to … Continue reading →
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