More arcade conversion action from Elite in the form of Edward Randy, a interesting arcade game with a character inspired by Indiana Jones. The game featured levels such as part where Edward Randy is on a wing walking on a … Continue reading →
Thanks to Csaba Virág for passing on our next GTW entry, which is a Hungarian text adventure produced by Cream in 1992. The title translates roughly into ‘A little fling’. Unfortunately you probably won’t be able to play the game … Continue reading →
An Italian title which may have been released, but is currently missing and yet to be preserved. Can you help us and to recover it? El Moringe was an intriguing arcade title, which seemed to have a series of … Continue reading →
Elaroo is based around an elephant who bounces around various platforms on a pogo stick, while collecting as many coins as possible and bouncing on the heads of enemies to get bubblegum. I can’t quite make out which game this … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that was due out by the demo crew turned game development team – Ambush . More details on them can be found at The game was described in an issue of Commodore Tribune, … Continue reading →
As well as the dire Quicksilva version of the arcade classic, it seems that we were due to be given another version by American firm, Datasoft. Sam Poole, the president of Datasoft, spoke to Zzap 64 in issue 13 about … Continue reading →
Elite 2 was released for the Amiga, ST and PC back in 1993 as Frontier: Elite 2 – but what may surprise you is that a C64 and BBC version was also in the works too by David Braben and … Continue reading →
A very obscure title which was mentioned and only had the title of “Sideways SEUCK game”. Now this was not long after the unreleased Breakthrough, and we assume that RR Software may have come up with their own tweaked SEUCK … Continue reading →
Elysium was to be a game to match the class of Ultimate’s Knightlore and Alien 8 games on the C64, using some rather cool programming techniques to get everything running to speed. The developer had finished Imhotep, and started working … Continue reading →
Brought to the attention of GTW by Commodore Zone magazine from their Star Wars special edition. “Empire Strikes Back” is (Surprise Surprise) based on the famous Star Wars film, but is not the official game, but a rather groovy looking … Continue reading →
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