As we were looking into The Mermaid and the Crown, we chanced across a series of unreleased titles from Mountain Valley Software that was ran by Brian J Betts during the early-mid 1980s. This was one of five titles in … Continue reading →
When you thought you had seen a load of new Apex bits and pieces, something else turns up! This is a very early preview of a Sidearms style game, which isn’t really playable apart from moving the main ship on … Continue reading →
Believed to be part of what was meant to be a “Crazy” series, Trick Ramp Crazy was to follow Combat Crazy on the Silverbird range. It never surfaced, although being mentioned as a title for C64, Amstrad and Spectrum. It … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing. A quiz game for 2 players or more, and billed as a “Terrific Party Game” and “No typing required”. Over 20 … Continue reading →
A recently surfaced game thanks to Jazzcat, this time another space SEU which was in development roughly 15 years ago. Taking the Delta style theme, Trigger Happy features some promising graphics and attack waves.. but really its too early to … Continue reading →
Advertised in the December 1985 issue of Commodore Computing International, Trigger Happy was a game to be released by Atlantis Software. Not the same Atlantis Software we all know, as they changed company name the next month to Satellite Software … Continue reading →
Yet another game which was due for release by Kele Line back in 1987. And this seems to be yet another title which was caught up in the bankruptcy of the company back in late 1987. The only mention of … Continue reading →
Trivia is a rather old quiz game which was mentioned in a catelogue for Creative Software. They said: "Scan your neurons for those obscure facts you thought were forever embedded in your subconscious. Sports, TV and Movies, History, Science and … Continue reading →
A short entry for a simple BASIC puzzler that was actually due for release in 1985. The game was tidied up and released by Gruppo Editoriale Jackson/Super Commodore in 1990, but within the release were two earlier unreleased versions as … Continue reading →
Lemmings had just been finished, and then the average Amiga game popped up in the scene news about its conversion being worked on. It was basically lemmings which climbed EVERYWHERE. This was first mentioned in Commodore Force, towards the end … Continue reading →
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