Aviatak was brought to my attention by a C64 scener on the forum, who kindly submitted the scan of the game in question. Publicised with a full page advert back in a Dec 1984 issue of Personal Computer Gamer, Aviatak … Continue reading →
Another game by the D-Lite label, and another one unfinished. This game, like the others, has little to offer in its preview, apart from a half decent backdrop and sprites. You cannot shoot or die, and sprites just fall at … Continue reading →
We kid thee not… The Alex Kidd rip off was in full production for the C64 by none other than Core Design, more specifically Rob Toone on programming duty, and Terry Lloyd on graphics. Ben Daglish was the man at … Continue reading →
Axeman is a title which we currently know very little about. All we have is a single screenshot which we have had in a folder for many years. We’re hoping that the screenshot may jog some memories about the game … Continue reading →
Advertised in Home Computer Weekly, issue 85 – Aztec was an interesting looking 3D adventure game which was to be released on the likes of the Spectrum and also the Commodore 64. You would use the keys to turn around … Continue reading →
What we have here is a slick looking Pong style game with bitmap backgrounds, very much like a X-Ample style of game. Stated as coming soon with a wide range of features and additions, B-Ball never did quite make it … Continue reading →
Yet another game which was found on the disks of Ash and Dave. This is a very early demonstration of a side-on scrolling game with an interesting split screen view. At first we knew nothing about it, then Steven Day … Continue reading →
This rather oddly named title was to be released in the US by a company called EnTech, and was believed to be an arcade action game where you must go underground and defeat the ‘Babies of the Dirt’, and also … Continue reading →
Shahid Ahmad was not a prolific C64 developer, having just a few titles released before he moved onto bigger platforms. He produced the stunning Chimera and Pandora games, as well as wowing Ultimate with his C64 conversion of Nightshade. But … Continue reading →
I remember seeing this game after receiving a load of old disks from a company called Shareware Plus. This was one of the many previews I found hiding away, classed as PD/Shareware. Now the name has been suggested to be … Continue reading →
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