2439 results for: Year = 19
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199? Unknown

Alert thumbnail

Another game with not much information. A promising game however, featuring elements of an old favourite from the past, Combat from the Atari 2600. This two player game features two tanks for which you can choose the weapons to arm … Continue reading

Alien game

1988 Hewson

Also known as: Unknown game

A very quick and brief entry for a game we know little of at the moment, not even a title just yet. Charles Deenen in a note back in 1988 mentioned about an “Alien game” that Maniacs of Noise were … Continue reading

Alien War

199? Unknown

Alien War thumbnail

Not much to say about this game, which intrigues the archives of GTW. Apart from the fact that Virtual Factor were behind this space SEU, there is nothing much else that can be said. A simple single screen shooter, with … Continue reading