1985, and Ocean were becoming the biggest UK C64 games company with its popular titles with Martin Galway’s fine music. Ocean, trying to dominate the market, bought licences to make conversions of some great programs, such as Knightrider, Miami Vice … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for now, as it has been suggested that there may have been a US version of Strider in development, before the Tiertex version was used instead. This was found via a comment on a Battle of … Continue reading →
An interesting early pong clone up next for the GTW64 archives, which was created by Hungarian programmer Balazs Kar. The game was dug out thanks to Csaba Virag, and Balazs has confirmed that this is as far as he ever … Continue reading →
“Strobe” is a new addition to GTW, in which at the time, not a lot of information was known. The game was an up and coming Pong style game set in the future, and the preview in the wild was … Continue reading →
In the early 90’s, quite a few games were mentioned for UK release by Italian company “Idea”, and quite a few did actually make it over here… Apart from Sturmtruppen. Sturmtruppen was described as a sort of Midnight Resistance style … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Commodore MAX title that was proposed, but never finished and released. Sub Hunt would have you piloting your helicopter in a fast-paced search and destroy mission. You know the subs are down there, but where? … Continue reading →
An interesting looking game, which feels a bit like a mixture of Paradroid, Alien Syndrome and Citadel mixed together. The game is currently bugged which you are able to check out, as the droid seems able to move through walls … Continue reading →
A game once released on the cover of Zzap 64 back in the day, a cool galaxian type game by the creators of Orcus and possibly using some of its sprites. Haydn said this about the game… "Me, Mike Ager … Continue reading →
A surprise finding for GTW in 2012 was made when Richard Bayliss was checking through some loader source files from Paul Hughes’ disks that we backed up recently, and he came across a source code file named “Defender 2”. Richard … Continue reading →
A nice looking puzzle game, where you control a hi-res overlayed ball character which follows a path of tiles around a multiscrolling map, avoiding other hi-res overlayed enemies. It’s a little frustrating back tracking paths when creatues start to come … Continue reading →
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