Mat Mania
1988 Taito
Ok, its a bit of a stretch, but could there have been a C64 conversion of the arcade wrestling title Mat Mania? Well, if you look at the Taito intro for the US version of Operation Wolf, you’ll see an … Continue reading
Cancelled & Unreleased Video Games for the Commodore 64 Since 1999
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Ok, its a bit of a stretch, but could there have been a C64 conversion of the arcade wrestling title Mat Mania? Well, if you look at the Taito intro for the US version of Operation Wolf, you’ll see an … Continue reading
Thanks to Peter Weighill for the heads up for our next title. Math Farm is a US based educational game which was described in its Nanosec advert (and this second advert) as follows: "This exciting educational game features vivid, colourful … Continue reading
A quick entry, but this educational game was advertised early in 1984 in a few magazines as a list of games coming soon from Comm*Data / Channel Software. This title has been missing for so many years, but Allan Pinkerton … Continue reading
Math-a-graph is a game by the creator of Coined and was a Mario Picross clone that wasn’t quite finished. Basically the game was almost finished, and is a very playable game at the moment and also has a level editor. … Continue reading
Ah nooooo…. not another puzzler!… The 10,000th puzzler i’ve had to go through for GTW, i’m sure! It’s also another game that came with no instructions, so i’m not sure what you have to do. After some fiddling around with … Continue reading
Another very quick entry to the archives which has been highlighted by Hedning. All we know is that the game was a cartridge game that was due out in 1984 by Tigervision. We know very little else at this stage, … Continue reading
This is a surprising title which hasn’t really been discussed as a missing Matthew Smith game, and really it isn’t much to do with Matthew apart from improving one of his games on the Commodore 64 and was most likely … Continue reading
Our next game in the GTW64 archives is a title that was being developed in Norway during 1988 by the developer of Timecruncher, Matcham. Datormagazin did a feature on a copyparty that was being ran in Stjørdal during October of … Continue reading
Any C64 user will know who and what Mayhem is. Rated as one of the best games ever made (Although contested by some people), Mayhem was planning a comeback briefly in a new outing called "Mayhem Deluxe". The Apex boys … Continue reading
A game that was due to be released from Ronald Mayer, who was an Austrian programmer of a large number of C64 games in the 80’s. In a 2015 interview, Ronald reveals that Maze Patrol was to be his first … Continue reading
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