A short entry to GTW64 which has been highlighted thanks to Richard Bayliss. This very strange entry is currently attributed to being a release by Zeppelin Games in 1992, but there is no evidence that it has seen a proper … Continue reading →
An odd entry this time, covering something which I was actually involved on :-) Tanx was to be an enhanced version of a game called Tanx written by David Ponting for Your 64 magazine as a type-in. The original game … Continue reading →
Tanx was a SEUCK game that was created by Alex Aris and David Axtell back in 1989, and was an arcade adventure game (using paths to get trapped) where you control a tank sprite. It was originally sent to Commodore … Continue reading →
Another unfinished Lepsi game, and unfortunatly another tried and tested theme, based on Galaxians. Controlling your space ship, you must blast attack waves of alien lifeform, all over the top of a set of nicely drawn bitmaps. The attackwaves are … Continue reading →
Quite often when doing GTW64, we get a number of shocks and surprises that crop up, and none more than when we found a PDS disk with Tarzan Goes Ape written on it within Ashley Routledge’s disk collection. Started around … Continue reading →
Around the time of Chris Shrigley’s early success with Bounder, Gremlin Graphics were regularly employing the skills of what was later to be come Core Design. Chris was assigned to a game called Task 2, which was apparently named due … Continue reading →
Taxar was described as a “Mysterious Odyssey” back in 1984, on a loading screen created by game developer Erwin J. Knöll. The game was highlighted to us by Baracuda, who has recently released a slideshow dedicated to art works by … Continue reading →
Thanks to contributor Chris Hester, who flagged up an old piece that he wrote possibly for his magazine Adventure Coder. Teacher Trouble was a text adventure game due for release in 1986 by Anthony Collins, author of Nythyhel and various … Continue reading →
Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Teacher’s Pet Software, which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles listed … Continue reading →
We’re not trying to pull your leg, but yes… a C64 conversion of the powerful Team Yankee game from the Amiga/ST was indeed being considered. I guess we could have laughed when we heard Battle Command was being converted, but … Continue reading →
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