Harold was to be a cool Pacman clone of sorts being produced back in 1992 by Dennis Osborn. A good start was made on the game before it was abandoned. 30 years later, Dennis resurrected the game and decided to … Continue reading →
Our next title in the archives sounds like it should be some kind of jet fighter game, but in fact Harrier Strike was a space shooter which was being written by Duncan Kershaw shortly after Steel Eagle. Originally it was … Continue reading →
Another combined entry to search for titles which may have been released, but have not yet been preserved. Thanks to Bertrand / Atari Mania, an advert was flagged up from Home Computer Magazine in 1984 with a list of tiles … Continue reading →
A short entry for another seemingly lost Commodore 64 title called Hårsfjärden. The game seems to involve you using a helicopter to repel submarines by dropping depth charges nearby, but without hitting. The game was developed by two brothers, Pierre … Continue reading →
After the success of Last Ninja series and Vendetta, System 3 were to take the old formula and use it in their next game, “Haunted”. Similar in looks to Last Ninja, this game was a problem solving style game called. … Continue reading →
A strange little preview by Thomas Miegel, involving somekind of space craft doing duties over various landscapes. HAWK is based on INTENSITY by Andrew Braybrook – the aim is to rescue people. You control one vehicle, press fire to land … Continue reading →
Hawkeye 2 was something that original coder Mario van Zeist wanted to realise, with better graphics, sound and more added twists to the gameplay. It was going to be released under the Thalamus label, but was never completed due to … Continue reading →
A very quick entry until we get more details, but this was to be a planned 3rd game in the series of the Yesod games by Odin. Unfortunately it only got as far as a proposal on 3 sheets of … Continue reading →
A game that has been discussed on the Lemon64 forums for over 10 years, but somehow we missed it. Heartbreaker was a game by CBE in 1984 and was discovered by YouTuber Polaventris. A very intriguing Pooyan style game, its … Continue reading →
This was to be an Ikari Warriors style game converted from the SNK arcade. In total there were two versions planned – This version was the first and which Commodore User, September 1988 issue mentioned that French software company FIL … Continue reading →
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