Starship was a fair 3D Wireframe strategy/action game which was being released on the Atari ST first, and then ported to the C64 at a later date. It seems that the Atari ST version never surfaced also, as nothing can … Continue reading →
Paul Baker is not necessarily a name you may recognize straight away, but he was the coder of Ghostbusters 2, Jet Boys and Road Warrior – but also the Empire Strikes Back game which we’ve had in the GTW archives … Continue reading →
A short entry for a series of titles by The Steam Powered Computer Company which were highlighted by contributor Dan Warren. At present, the only game by the company in the archives is The Inheritance, which was released in 1985 … Continue reading →
A great little finding which has come to GTW thanks to Roberto Nicoletti. Steel Robot was produced by Italian Simone Balestra who programmed Clik Clak for Idea Software in the early 90’s. It was the result of a conversation with … Continue reading →
Stellar 7 – not quite the same vector game which did see the light of day, but a sequel to Hades Nebula that was shelved fairly early on in it’s development after The Bitmap Brother released Xenon. The reason? Well, … Continue reading →
An entry for a title which we knew was sold on tape, but there seemed to be no evidence that a disk version was ever sold. The tape version of this Polish game is completely different to the disk version, … Continue reading →
We’re not sure exactly what you’re meant to do in Stone, so if anyone knows – please let us know. We thought it was some kind of pairs game, but couldn’t get anything to happen. It might be that the … Continue reading →
Stoned isn’t a game about drugs, but a puzzler which seems to be based on Columns. It’s again from that era when puzzlers were everywhere, but this one in particular was looking pretty polished. It isn’t 100% playable at this … Continue reading →
A short entry to pull together a series of various art assets by Stuart (Stoo) Fotheringham, who did artwork for Software Projects and Denton Designs during his C64 days. This interesting selection of images has been around for sometime and … Continue reading →
Yet another Firebird title which was never to see the light of day, and a rather promising Armalyte kind of game too! Storm Warrior was like Armalyte but with a full colour scroll (something pioneered at Ocean, scrolling the whole … Continue reading →
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