Nodule is nothing out of the ordinary, and repeats a genre of game that has been done before. Here you control a blue blob which has to navigate past green obstacles, while not touching them and avoiding worms. All within … Continue reading →
Thanks to Nic / Xidex, we learn that within a sequence file on the disk version of Stellar 7, there was a message from the coder which said that there were tentative plans to write a sequel to the game … Continue reading →
An interesting start of what seems to be an interpretation of Duck Hunt on the C64. It’s not badly done, though the target is a little slow and lethargic. But it looks promising overall, and would have maybe made a … Continue reading →
Nuclear Nick was one of a few titles advertised by Electric Dreams back in issue 8 of Zzap 64 games. Nuclear Nick was to be part of a double pack with a game called Scooter. It never quite surfaced, but … Continue reading →
Nuclear Sub Command was being sold as a “Realistic Nuclear Attack Sub Simulation” in a 1992 issue of RUN magazine from the US. The game was sold on disk, but it seems that this is one that either didn’t sell … Continue reading →
Thanks to contributor Karl Kuras for the heads up. Nuclear War was a fairly well received strategy war game that was released on the Amiga and PC back in 1990 by New World Computing. The game advertisement would however list … Continue reading →
Nucleus is an interesting game, not for its gameplay however (which is a basic invader clone). Well for a start, there is music in this game which sounds a lot like a Jon Dunn tune, but is infact by a … Continue reading →
Hidden in the Thalamus archives is a game called Nuker. A bizzare name, but a rather interesting game! Standing for “NUclear SnooKER”, the obective is for the player to guide his spherical craft around randomly shaped areas, shooting spherical toxic … Continue reading →
Our next title is a strategy game which can allow for up to 4 players in total. Number Jotto is described as follows: “Deduction, logic and patience are the skills you must master to win the game. The object is … Continue reading →
A game which was advertised by The Learning Company in the manual for Bumble Plot, which was released. Described as “In the electronic version of a classic 14th century game of chance, children learn to add and subtract and also … Continue reading →
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